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The Unheard Word

One woman's slightly skewed views

Archive for February, 2006

My top ten must-have Mac OSX applications

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

A fellow Webweaver is “switching” from PC to Mac, and asked the Mac users on the email list what we consider to be our must-have Mac software aside from what is already pre-installed. So as a follow-up to the Apple Mail post, I decided to compile a list of my favourites.

Apple Mail plug-ins and other helper apps

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

I didn’t mean to do it. I swear I didn’t. I just can’t help myself. I just really, you know, needed a fix.

I’m a software junkie.

A couple of days ago I discovered a fantastic page of Apple Mail plug-ins…

Is there room for another web editor from Adobe?

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

There has been much discussion by web professionals everywhere about the future of their favourite applications since Adobe acquired Macromedia last year. Recently, on the Webweavers discussion group, Lynn Grillo posed a question that sparked quite a discussion.

Lynn asked, “So do you folks think there is room for two web editors from Adobe? You know, aimed at different markets?”
